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6 Tools for Recovery
+ simple do’s and don’ts for you TL;DR folx… I’m here for everyone. I don’t always preach, but when I do it’s from my soap box with a megaphone (AKA all caps.) Let’s break it down. You’re here because you are super sore, crazy tired, or INJURED. Or you’re training for an endurance event...

Lakefront 50 Mile: race recap
Let me start by saying that the JFK50 that we (Shonda and I) completed last year was 1000x harder and also more interesting. If you haven’t read that recap, you should. And maybe just stop there, because this recap won’t be nearly as entertaining. LOL. Rewind to 3 weeks before this race: Shonda and I...

Do what you love (cliché and idk)
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: DO WHAT YOU ENJOY. Exercise IS NOT supposed to be a suffer-fest. Exercise DOES NOT have to be a suffer-fest*. *some people (myself included) actually ENJOY the suffer-fest (childhood trauma?? Idk) but that doesn’t mean EVERYONE needs to suffer when they exercise. Movement should be ENJOYABLE...
JFK 50 Mile
Shonda and I talked about signing up for this race, the JFK 50 Mile, last year after we had an awesome race at the 2019 Chicago Marathon. For a few reasons we didn’t, but Shonda did sign up for a different 50 mile race in May of this year. It ended up being canceled due...

I went for a run today. I had positive splits… I started fast and got slow and tried to end fast. It wasn’t a “perfect” run by any coaching standards (especially my own!!) but I decided mid-run not to beat myself up about it. And I really got to thinking about giving myself a break...
Chicago Marathon PR
It was my 5th Chicago and my 7th marathon. My training was better. My nutrition was better. I had cut weight. The weather was perfect. I posted my very first negative-split race EVER and I PR’d by almost 4 minutes. Here’s what helped me. HIGH VOLUME vs. LOW VOLUME This is a personal choice. I know...

Joint-by-joint: low back pain
Joint-by-joint: low back pain. This is the fourth post in a series about ways to identify and correct movement imbalances. Foam Rolling, Joint-by-Joint, and Core should be read or skimmed prior to reading this post. Following the joint-by-joint approach for low pack pain, it points us to two specific areas: the hips and the thoracic spine...

CORE. Perhaps the most overused, under defined, and most important word in my world. A lack of it can cause a slew of health and mobility issues. Having a six-pack seems like the most important reason to workout. What is your core? What are the best exercises to help make it stronger? Defining your “core”...

All Purpose Cleaning Solution
All Purpose Cleaning Solution. About 5 years ago I started paying more attention to what went into my body. Not just food, but also chemicals found in body care products and cleaning products. I tried to consume less paper and make what I could at home, with ingredients I could pronounce. I’ll save my body...

Joint-by-Joint approach
Joint-by-joint approach. In my last post I introduced foam rolling in a very basic, surface level way. This post, I’m going to dig a little deeper into the importance of using foam rolling, as well as other recovery techniques, to avoid or recovery from injury. Gray Cook coined the phrase and accompanying theory “joint-by-joint” approach.
Foam Rolling

Resolutions. I made a list of goals for 2019. I am not generally a resolutions-type person—I couldn’t tell you the last time I made one, and even if I could I definitely did not make it a year. One of my 2019 goals is to bring my blog back. Some of you may remember my...